School Uniform
School Uniforms
A School Uniform helps in creating a certain identity with the school. Students wear their uniforms with great pride. The Uniform is simple but smart and distinctive. Please visit Threads in Times Square to purchase any Winchester Uniform.
We do not allow trolley bags as they are a Health & Safety concern. They are heavy even when empty, children have to pull them with one hand and it impacts strenuously on that hand when they pull them and also has an extra strain on the hand on the stairs. It creates noise and also jerks the hands as they carry them. It is very unsafe when children walk around in the very busy morning and end of day timings, this leads to tripping and falling hazards.
Please visit Threads shop on ground floor in Times Square (near Sheikh Zayed Road - 3rd interchange) to purchase uniform.
Please see the below as the Uniform Guide
PO Box 391123
Dubai, UAE
Website : www.threadsme.com
Toll Free No : 800 THREADS(8473237
E-mail Address: [email protected]